The story of the game “Summer’s Gone” revolves around a young boy who awakens from a coma and strives to find new meaning in his life. He enrolls in college to improve his self-esteem but stumbles upon a mysterious situation that motivates him to uncover the truth. In addition to an intriguing storyline, “Summer’s Gone” features a cast of beautiful women that players can seduce. Furthermore, the game’s high-end graphics and CGI are a bonus point that adds to its overall appeal.
Summer’s Gone APK Download for Android
Download Summer's Gone latest apk for android.
What's new
Ch.4.5 Full
- - Added 979 new Renders to Chapter 2
- - Added 2 animations to Chapter 2.
- - Added 17 new renders to Chapter 3. (Removed the Said Fight cinematic.)
- - Re-rendered 300+ renders for Chapter 3.5. (More on this in a future Dev Log.)
- - Added 6 new licensed music tracks.
- - Finished removing all music that would've needed to be removed in the future. (Including the cinematics music.)
- - Added 6 new licensed music tracks.
- - Applied a big amount of proofreading to all Chapters.